Saturday, July 29, 2017

My Dream Trip

My Dream Trip......

Travel By Train In Europe
 I like to Travel in Europe by Train.Europe is the World’s second-smallest continent covering approximately 6.7% of the Earth’s land and 2% of the Earth’s surface .

It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The Ural mountains in Russia mark the eastern extreme.The southern regions are higher and include the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Carpathian mountain ranges.

My Dream trip is Europe trip at least 50 days. As I have heard before Europe have a lot of places to see as a human

Europe can be broadly divided into three regions as shown on the mapleft.Europe can also be divided according to European Union member states and non-member states as shown on the map right

There are 47 countries in Europe including Turkey and Russia which lie in both Europe and Asia.
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican .
 And Also plant life of Europe is characterised according to climatic region so we will be able to see various kind of plants and animals in that trip.The deciduous forest region has a wealth of plant life and includes tall and short trees, shrubs, small plants and mosses. The picture  shows a deciduous forest region of Hungary. The coniferous forest region contains trees such as pine, fir and spruce.

Due to the cold during the winter months, only short grasses and shrubs can survive in the tundra region.The grassland region is characterised by large open areas of tall or short grass.Plants found in the Mediterranean region have adapted to the differences in rainfall and temperature between winter and summer and include, palm trees, citrus trees, forest and scrub.When I come back to the Sri Lanka I hope to take lot of memories and Goods in Europe.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Art Of Living...

Art Of Living......

Dr. Don Ajith Rohana Colonne.

Dr. Don Ajith Rohana Colonne is a student of Ananda College (Colombo), Thurstan College (Colombo) and Ananda Sastralaya in Sri Lanka. From 1974 to 1975, he attended the Loveland High School in Colorado, USA under the American Field Service (AFS) Cultural Exchange Scholarship Programme and graduated from there.

Dr. Don Ajith Rohana came to the University of Kelaniya for conduct a guest lecture for PPD
session that was the amazing opportunity for us as a software engineering undergraduate.
He taught us to what is the art of living as he conduct, he divided ate art of live into few categories,Those are

  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Enjoyment
  • .....
  • ......
  • .... 

  • Every moment we are creating our experience. Our thoughts, our words, our actions are all instances of our ability to bring forth something in the space where nothing existed before. Life is the canvas, our relationships are the canvas, conversations are the canvas, dreams are the canvas. 


    Actually happiness is not a feeling happy with at that time Skeptics have often asked whether a person who uses cocaine every day is “happy.” If feeling good all the time were our only requirement, then the answer would be “yes.” However, recent research suggests that an even-keeled mood is more psychologically healthy than a mood in which you achieve great heights of happiness regularly—after all, what goes up must come down. Furthermore, when you ask people what makes their lives worth living, they rarely say anything about their mood. They are more likely to cite things that they find meaningful, such as their work or relationships.See this....

    So many of us have to come believe that creativity is reserved for the select few, that only some have any artistic ability and that the rest are relegated to a life of consuming the creations of others. This is simply not true, and you don’t need to look very far to see that you are a powerful creator of your reality.
    Your life is a masterpiece, a beautiful work in progress that you are constantly refining and evolving as you learn new lessons and techniques for bringing forth your greatest potential and as you use your imagination to set your sights on what is possible.
    Art of Living Foundation is dedicated to serving society by strengthening the individual. We do this by offering programs that eliminate stress, create a sense of belonging, restore human values, and encourage people from all backgrounds, religions, and cultural traditions to come together in celebration and service.
    Love- the nature with smiling.....
    Love is the most powerful force! It is a magical feeling and it feels like heaven! Without love, everything is a waste. Love, warmth and compassion make life what it is, beautiful! It is responsible for bringing people together and the bonding that lasts a lifetime. Love is the language of nature

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    Love to the nature

    As seasons change, we are guided to learn acceptance and non-resistance. A green leaf and various kind of flowers keep our life cool and relax. Trees don’t resist leaves falling when winter arrives. They stand deeply rooted in the ground, with their vulnerability out in the open and branches spread wide, surrendering to the Universe.

    Peace and harmony.......

    Every tiny part of nature harmoniously co-exists with every other part. There is unity in harmony. It is magical, like music! Nature taught us music. We need harmony in our lives too. The frequency has got to be rhythmic and harmonious, to take proper shape. Peace! There is peace all around, in nature. In the stillness of the lakes, atop the lofty mountains and deep within the sea. There is great power in peace and inner calm.

    Beauty in simplicity.....

    Beauty and simplicity is also the another interesting part of keeping art of living. It is rightly said that simplicity is beauty. Nature is the best example for this. God’s creation or what ever creation but nature has created, it speaks volumes, even though it is not extravagant! It is not gaudy. It is just as it should be. We ought to be simple and modest too. Arrogance and pomp and show will not fetch us anything. We should be rooted and down to earth! Pun intended here! 










                                                                           keep growing........ 

    When you watching how the growing cycle of human or whatever animal or plants You can understand what is our life. From the time the seed is sown, it does not stop growing till it reaches its zenith! It reaches out to the sky, with its spirit soaring. Nothing deters it. It grows everyday, little by little, steadily. Nature achieves everything she wants, at her pace. This is how we should approach our aims in life. With steadiness and poise. And we should never stop growing! Positive growth should always be there. Nothing should hamper our motivation to grow and develop

      Life success is the most important part of our life cycle because without success the life we can't achieve better life. Success must not come by hurting, cheating, any illegal action. 

    Beauty of University of Kelaniya

    Beauty of University of Kelaniya......

    The University of Kelaniya is also the one of  state university of Sri Lanka. Just outside the municipal limits of Colombo, in the city of Kelaniya, the University of Kelaniya has two major campuses, seven locations, seven faculties and four institutions

    University has a lot of beautiful places to see. First when you come to the university along “Sarasavi Mavatha” you can see the beautiful May trees with flowers beside of your hands. Then You can see two faculties beside you those are faculty of Science and faculty of Graduate studies.

    Faculty of Science has few places to see as a student. First place is “Thal-Wata” that place is the place everyone know . By the side of “Thal-Wata” You can see the  main playground of University of Kelaniya and also faculty of Science has beautiful canteen called Base canteen. Other famous place of faculty of Science is “IT-Gaha” that is the huge tree and also faculty of science has so many beautiful places….
    University of Kelaniya consist of many beautiful and nature friendly places to see. Those are amercing and watchable. We would like to thanks every former student of university of Kelaniya because they have protected these places on behalf of future students. These are unforgettable. As a student we are very lucky to be an undergraduate of University of Kelaniya..

    Then anyone can see Gym Canteen complex with study area, Basket Ball Vala, Budu Madura, girl’s hostel complex ,Milk shop,” Mee-Aba-sewana”,“Vilo-Gas Sevana”,”Pacha-Gas”,  Syber play Ground and so many places within faculty of management, Humanities and Social Science and also Faculty of computing and technology.

    University of Kelaniya has few Canteens like Gym, Base, Hilton, Staff... The Places around the canteen are so beautiful and attractive and also University of Kelaniya is the first green university of Sri Lanka, University students love to the green culture.

    University has few places except Dalugama. Few of those are Ragama Medical faculty and Gampaha Vicramarachchi  Aryurvedic Medicine Institute those are also the beautiful places to watch. University of Kelaniya leads state universities of Sri Lanka to the Green World