Friday, July 28, 2017

Beauty of University of Kelaniya

Beauty of University of Kelaniya......

The University of Kelaniya is also the one of  state university of Sri Lanka. Just outside the municipal limits of Colombo, in the city of Kelaniya, the University of Kelaniya has two major campuses, seven locations, seven faculties and four institutions

University has a lot of beautiful places to see. First when you come to the university along “Sarasavi Mavatha” you can see the beautiful May trees with flowers beside of your hands. Then You can see two faculties beside you those are faculty of Science and faculty of Graduate studies.

Faculty of Science has few places to see as a student. First place is “Thal-Wata” that place is the place everyone know . By the side of “Thal-Wata” You can see the  main playground of University of Kelaniya and also faculty of Science has beautiful canteen called Base canteen. Other famous place of faculty of Science is “IT-Gaha” that is the huge tree and also faculty of science has so many beautiful places….
University of Kelaniya consist of many beautiful and nature friendly places to see. Those are amercing and watchable. We would like to thanks every former student of university of Kelaniya because they have protected these places on behalf of future students. These are unforgettable. As a student we are very lucky to be an undergraduate of University of Kelaniya..

Then anyone can see Gym Canteen complex with study area, Basket Ball Vala, Budu Madura, girl’s hostel complex ,Milk shop,” Mee-Aba-sewana”,“Vilo-Gas Sevana”,”Pacha-Gas”,  Syber play Ground and so many places within faculty of management, Humanities and Social Science and also Faculty of computing and technology.

University of Kelaniya has few Canteens like Gym, Base, Hilton, Staff... The Places around the canteen are so beautiful and attractive and also University of Kelaniya is the first green university of Sri Lanka, University students love to the green culture.

University has few places except Dalugama. Few of those are Ragama Medical faculty and Gampaha Vicramarachchi  Aryurvedic Medicine Institute those are also the beautiful places to watch. University of Kelaniya leads state universities of Sri Lanka to the Green World